Take Action

Advocacy & Education

Public support of our anti-littering goals and actions are paramount to our success. Tell your friends and family what we do and become active advocates for our efforts.

Santa Cruz County Shining AZ believes education is essential to preventing litter and waste from spoiling our local landscapes. That is why our efforts focus on education, from elementary grades to high school and beyond. Children impact families, neighbors, and friends with their knowledge of why littering hurts our environment.

Their influence leads to new mindsets that change littering behaviors harmful to our communities.


By donating, you enable us to provide anti-littering education and materials to our schools and community organizations. You also help us organize educational events and sponsor local neighborhood and river clean-ups.

Our programs and commitment to bettering life in Santa Cruz County, Arizona, are made possible through your generous donation.  Your donation stays in our communities and schools.

Santa Cruz County Shining AZ is an IRS 501 (c) (3) corporation. That means your donation is tax-deductible.

You can make a difference!

Please donate.

Make a Donation

Fund Rasier

Brick Fund Raiser:

A donor may commemorate a loved one, a pet, a special achievement, a special event or promote their business by purchasing a personally engraved brick. The bricks will be permanently embedded at a midpoint location on St. Gertrudis Lane, Tumacácori. All the funds you donate go directly to our educational programs and local clean ups. No funds are use for administration and salaries. Click the button to buy your personalize brick!


4x8 brick example. 8x8 with corporate logo also avoidable

Your engrave bricks would be permanently installed at the foot of the kiosk and tool box.

Kiosk with tool box on St. Gertudris, Tumacácori

Kiosk encourages individuals to “Plog” while they walk, SCCSAZ provides a pick stick and small trash bags so that you may pick up trash as you enjoy our beautiful outdoors.